There are millions of video clips from Fast Fashion hauls that are making their rounds on Youtube, Instagram. Fast fashion hauls are where young influencers display their latest purchases of clothing and provide reviews in front of their billions of fans. They are called “Fashion Street Haul,” “Bought everything under 500 rupees,” and “Must Bes and Shopping Haul by Zara.” The videos inspire viewers to purchase the items featured to appear cool. The videos are primarily targeted at Gen Z, for whom these influencers have a large reach.
What is wrong with this? The influencers are making content for their followers, sellers get low-cost marketing, and customers are able to purchase clothes at a low cost. If this is a win-win situation for everyone, what is the reason they are so dangerous?
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is among those powerful feelings that make people do things they would not have done otherwise. The viewers are motivated to purchase the items that influencers display with pride. It’s difficult not to buy, and especially the younger generation is compelled to purchase clothes that fit. Many young people even take on purchases of their own and post them on social media for others to showcase their accomplishments. This further puts pressure on their friends to take on such activities and triggers a feedback loop.
The biggest issue with hauls isn’t the purchase from Fast Fashion, but the promotion of a lifestyle of consumption that is mindless. It’s normal to buy in huge quantities. The majority of the clothes bought are never worn, and they are then thrown away. This creates a culture of use and throwing. No matter the effects on the environment, this shopping spree is putting pressure on kids’ financial accounts as well.
The most sad thing is that, despite an increase in environmental consciousness among Gen-Z, they still continue to be the most ardent buyers of these goods. This shows how deeply rooted consumption has become in our culture.
Fast fashion has a huge negative impact on the environment. From manufacturing to production to removal, our clothes damage the environment. Fast fashion brands have been accused of shoddy clothing and unhygienic treatment of their workers, in addition to other things.
What Can We Do About Hauls?
Influencers are based on comments, likes, and engagement to decide the need to continue creating the content. If, as users of social media we begin to detach from the content we are exposed to and leave negative feedback or downvotes, it is a signal to the influencer as well as other users on social media.
Begin following more influencers in sustainability. You’ll discover that sustainable fashion isn’t just healthier for the planet but also for your pockets. Sustainable fashion isn’t just about buying new clothes; it also features aspects such as less consumption, repairing loans from family and friends, and donating to thrift stores.
Follow the Instagram pages to get tips on sustainable fashion, and you can go to the web site to browse our collection of sustainable Clothing.